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標籤: USB

Raspberry Pi的備份與還原

這裡介紹在Windows、Linux與OSX中,如何備份與還原Raspberry Pi的記憶卡。


在 Windows 中若要備份或回復記憶卡的資料,可以使用Win32 Disk Imager這個開放原始碼的免費工具。

Win32 Disk Imager 是專門用來備份 USB 手指、記憶卡的小工具,安裝好之後,先將記憶卡插進電腦,並執行 Win32 Disk Imager,就會看到這樣的操作畫面。

首先選擇備份影像檔的儲存路徑與檔案名稱(Image File),然後選擇要備份的設備(Device),接著按下「Read」按鈕即可將記憶卡的資料全部備份至檔案中。


使用USB手指為Raspberry Pi安裝Raspbian系統

In this tutorial, I’m going to talk you through running Raspbian from a USB connected drive instead of from an SD card. Running from a USB connected Flash or Hard Drive has many advantages, the biggest being speed and reliability.

SD Cards have a limited read/write cycle, and when hosting a site with a MySQL database from a SD card, it won’t take long before you start getting corruptions and failures. USB Flash drives provide a cheap and reliable alternative. I’ve tested several USB Flash drives, and found Sandisk and Corsair to be the best for speed and reliability. This site is run off a 16GB Kingston USB 3.0 Flash drive.

Assumptions before we begin

I’m going to assume that you know your way around Terminal, and are using a Mac to perform these steps. You will still need an SD card to store the boot instructions to tell the Raspberry Pi to launch the OS from the USB; the Raspberry Pi’s can’t (yet) boot directly from a USB storage device.

MTP USB損毀導致無法讀取的解決方法

並且在「裝置管理員」的MTP USB 選項出現了驚嘆號。
「Windows 無法啟動這個硬體裝置,因為它的設定資訊 (在登錄中) 不完整或已損毀。 (代碼 19)」