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月份: 2016 年 5 月

讓Raspberry Pi成為你的電腦開關伺服器

Note: This post and the accompanying software packages have been updated several times since this was originally posted. The most up-to-date releases and instructions can always be found in the GitHub Repo.

I have a very power hungry desktop computer that I use for video editing and large file storage. When I’m travelling with my laptop, I obviously can’t carry all my files and data with me, so I occasionally use “remote desktop” to access my desktop from the road. I also use a Plex Media Server to stream content from my desktop computer. However, the computer has to be on for me to be able to do this. This means I need to leave the computer on all the time, just in case I need to access it. This wastes power, costs me money, and harms the environment. My Raspberry Pi, on the other hand, consumes a minuscule amount of power, and is always on anyways, serving other purposes. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to run a simple mobile-friendly website from your Raspberry Pi that will allow you to remotely wake up your power-hungry computer, so you can remotely access it. When you’re done, just put it back to sleep from within the remote desktop service (or use the mobile app plus a small background server running on your desktop to put it back to sleep – this is described in the instructions). The app pings the computer from the Raspberry Pi to inform you of when the computer has woken up and established network connectivity. Follow along after the break…

使用USB手指為Raspberry Pi安裝Raspbian系統

In this tutorial, I’m going to talk you through running Raspbian from a USB connected drive instead of from an SD card. Running from a USB connected Flash or Hard Drive has many advantages, the biggest being speed and reliability.

SD Cards have a limited read/write cycle, and when hosting a site with a MySQL database from a SD card, it won’t take long before you start getting corruptions and failures. USB Flash drives provide a cheap and reliable alternative. I’ve tested several USB Flash drives, and found Sandisk and Corsair to be the best for speed and reliability. This site is run off a 16GB Kingston USB 3.0 Flash drive.

Assumptions before we begin

I’m going to assume that you know your way around Terminal, and are using a Mac to perform these steps. You will still need an SD card to store the boot instructions to tell the Raspberry Pi to launch the OS from the USB; the Raspberry Pi’s can’t (yet) boot directly from a USB storage device.

MTP USB損毀導致無法讀取的解決方法

並且在「裝置管理員」的MTP USB 選項出現了驚嘆號。
「Windows 無法啟動這個硬體裝置,因為它的設定資訊 (在登錄中) 不完整或已損毀。 (代碼 19)」